From 8dc72589cafd0881e234af489c4b3d643422f7e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anbraten Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 11:47:39 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add typescript --- Makefile | 7 +- eslint.config.mjs | 2260 +++++++++--------- package-lock.json | 777 ++---- package.json | 8 +- playwright.config.js => playwright.config.ts | 1 - tsconfig.json | 30 + vitest.config.js => vitest.config.ts | 0 web_src/js/features/repo-legacy.js | 7 +- web_src/js/webcomponents/overflow-menu.js | 2 +- webpack.config.js | 4 +- 10 files changed, 1354 insertions(+), 1742 deletions(-) rename playwright.config.js => playwright.config.ts (99%) create mode 100644 tsconfig.json rename vitest.config.js => vitest.config.ts (100%) diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 62cf4e536..309efe387 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -164,9 +164,8 @@ TAR_EXCLUDES := .git data indexers queues log node_modules $(EXECUTABLE) $(FOMAN GO_DIRS := build cmd models modules routers services tests WEB_DIRS := web_src/js web_src/css -ESLINT_FILES := web_src/js tools *.js *.mjs tests/e2e/*.js tests/e2e/shared/*.js STYLELINT_FILES := web_src/css web_src/js/components/*.vue -SPELLCHECK_FILES := $(GO_DIRS) $(WEB_DIRS) docs/content templates options/locale/locale_en-US.ini .github $(wildcard *.go *.js *.md *.yml *.yaml *.toml) +SPELLCHECK_FILES := $(GO_DIRS) $(WEB_DIRS) docs/content templates options/locale/locale_en-US.ini .github $(wildcard *.go *.js *.ts *.vue *.md *.yml *.yaml *.toml) GO_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.go) GO_SOURCES += $(shell find $(GO_DIRS) -type f -name "*.go" ! -path modules/options/bindata.go ! -path modules/public/bindata.go ! -path modules/templates/bindata.go) @@ -437,11 +436,11 @@ lint-codespell-fix-i: .PHONY: lint-js lint-js: node_modules - npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 $(ESLINT_FILES) + npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 .PHONY: lint-js-fix lint-js-fix: node_modules - npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 $(ESLINT_FILES) --fix + npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 --fix .PHONY: lint-css lint-css: node_modules diff --git a/eslint.config.mjs b/eslint.config.mjs index ee2aa5da2..da1b2b5d4 100644 --- a/eslint.config.mjs +++ b/eslint.config.mjs @@ -14,1148 +14,1156 @@ import wc from 'eslint-plugin-wc'; import globals from 'globals'; import vue from 'eslint-plugin-vue'; import vueScopedCss from 'eslint-plugin-vue-scoped-css'; +import tseslint from 'typescript-eslint'; -export default [{ - ignores: ['web_src/js/vendor', 'web_src/fomantic', 'public/assets/js'], -}, { - plugins: { - '@eslint-community/eslint-comments': eslintCommunityEslintPluginEslintComments, - '@stylistic/js': stylisticEslintPluginJs, - '@vitest': vitest, - 'array-func': arrayFunc, - 'import-x': eslintPluginImportX, - 'no-jquery': noJquery, - 'no-use-extend-native': noUseExtendNative, - regexp, - sonarjs, - unicorn, - playwright, - 'vitest-globals': vitestGlobals, - vue, - 'vue-scoped-css': vueScopedCss, - wc, +export default tseslint.config( + ...tseslint.configs.recommended, + eslintPluginImportX.flatConfigs.typescript, + { + ignores: ['web_src/js/vendor', 'web_src/fomantic', 'public/assets/js'], }, - - linterOptions: { - reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true, - }, - - languageOptions: { - globals: { - ...globals.node, + { + plugins: { + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments': eslintCommunityEslintPluginEslintComments, + '@stylistic/js': stylisticEslintPluginJs, + '@vitest': vitest, + 'array-func': arrayFunc, + 'import-x': eslintPluginImportX, + 'no-jquery': noJquery, + 'no-use-extend-native': noUseExtendNative, + regexp, + sonarjs, + unicorn, + playwright, + 'vitest-globals': vitestGlobals, + vue, + 'vue-scoped-css': vueScopedCss, + wc, }, - parserOptions: { + + linterOptions: { + reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true, + }, + + languageOptions: { + globals: { + ...globals.node, + }, + parserOptions: { + ecmaVersion: 'latest', + }, + + ecmaVersion: 'latest', + sourceType: 'module', + }, + rules: { + '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': 'off', // TODO: enable this rule again + + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair': [2], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-aggregating-enable': [2], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-duplicate-disable': [2], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-restricted-disable': [0], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable': [2], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-unused-disable': [2], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-unused-enable': [2], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-use': [0], + '@eslint-community/eslint-comments/require-description': [0], + '@stylistic/js/array-bracket-newline': [0], + '@stylistic/js/array-bracket-spacing': [2, 'never'], + '@stylistic/js/array-element-newline': [0], + '@stylistic/js/arrow-parens': [2, 'always'], + + '@stylistic/js/arrow-spacing': [2, { + before: true, + after: true, + }], + + '@stylistic/js/block-spacing': [0], + + '@stylistic/js/brace-style': [2, '1tbs', { + allowSingleLine: true, + }], + + '@stylistic/js/comma-dangle': 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Update the var - const clickedItem = this; // eslint-disable-line unicorn/no-this-assignment + const clickedItem = this; // eslint-disable-line unicorn/no-this-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias const scope = this.getAttribute('data-scope'); $(this).parent().find('.item').each(function () { @@ -416,7 +416,10 @@ async function onEditContent(event) { context: editContentZone.getAttribute('data-context'), content_version: editContentZone.getAttribute('data-content-version'), }); - for (const fileInput of dropzoneInst?.element.querySelectorAll('.files [name=files]')) params.append('files[]', fileInput.value); + const files = dropzoneInst?.element?.querySelectorAll('.files [name=files]') ?? []; + for (const fileInput of files) { + params.append('files[]', fileInput.value); + } const response = await POST(editContentZone.getAttribute('data-update-url'), {data: params}); const data = await response.json(); diff --git a/web_src/js/webcomponents/overflow-menu.js b/web_src/js/webcomponents/overflow-menu.js index a69ce1681..54f837192 100644 --- a/web_src/js/webcomponents/overflow-menu.js +++ b/web_src/js/webcomponents/overflow-menu.js @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {isDocumentFragmentOrElementNode} from '../utils/dom.js'; import octiconKebabHorizontal from '../../../public/assets/img/svg/octicon-kebab-horizontal.svg'; window.customElements.define('overflow-menu', class extends HTMLElement { - updateItems = throttle(100, () => { + updateItems = throttle(100, () => { // eslint-disable-line unicorn/consistent-function-scoping if (!this.tippyContent) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('tippy-target'); diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js index ebbc51a38..4662a30db 100644 --- a/webpack.config.js +++ b/webpack.config.js @@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ export default { }, }, { - test: /\.js$/i, + test: /\.(js|ts)$/i, exclude: /node_modules/, use: [ { loader: 'esbuild-loader', options: { - loader: 'js', + loader: 'ts', target: 'es2020', }, },